
Hugo: Recurring events with iCalendar support

Hugo: Recurring events with iCalendar support

A recurring event

In the Hacker Space Trójmiasto, which I a visit when I’m in town, there are regular events. We were looking for a way to put these events on the (Hugo) website. This is easy enough for simple events that happen occasionally (just hard-code the dates), but we had some extra requirements (two for the end-user, and two technical requirements):

  • An easy way to define recurring meetings (like the monthly picnic, or the bi-weekly board-meeting).
  • Ideally the members could download the event-data in iCalendar (.ics) format.
  • Of course you don’t want to involve a programmer every time that an event gets changed (e.g. an organiser may want to cancel an event last-minute), so whatever format we use, needs to be readable (and editable) by humans :)
  • Ideally everything will work “in-Hugo”, so without an extra pre-compiler step, or something else.

Just to make clear what I’m talking about here. There is a section “events”, which contains pages (in Hugo terms). A page is for a named “event-type” (like “picnic”), not a single event (like “picnic on 5 December 2022”). So a single page is for multiple dates. On this page we want to show all the dates for the event, and allow someone to download these dates as an iCalendar (.ics) file. To give you an idea of the structure, visit the events-list here. Note that, depending on when you’re reading this, the system as described in this post may not be live yet.

Obviously on the /events list page we also have a calendar of all events (so the dates for all event-types together), with the same iCalendar support, as well as on the tags-pages, but this is outside the scope of this post.
Example of events on hugo page
Demo of an event page (note that most dates here are for demo purposes only ;))

Above you see what we want to display at the top of an event-page (note: for real-life use you probably want to limit which part of the list you show, make it scrollable, choose a different format or colours, etc). Final makeup is independent of the code generating the events (and so 100% custom).

When it comes to displaying the events on your webpage in a user-friendly way, you have to keep in mind that Hugo is a static site generator. It means that whenever in your Hugo code, you refer to time.now, this is the generation time of the website, not when the user will view it. As a result you should never filter the events by “future events only” or “next 3 events” within Hugo (unless you regenerate your site every day or every hour or something); always write all events to the HTML, and then create some javascript to show exactly what you want.

Existing standards we considered

The first thing we did was define the format in which we would create the event-dates. We need to be able to specify a rule (like: every last Friday of the month), but also allow for changes on this rule, one-off events, extra meetings, etc. We would define this in the front-matter, and then show it in the page where we wanted.

Let’s start by checking what’s out there:

OpenStreetMap OpeningHours

We first considered the OpenStreetMap OpeningHours format. It’s super powerful and versatile; you can specify crazy rules like “Every other year the third day after Easter, from sunrise to sunset, except if this is a Sunday or a public holiday in your current country”. A big problem with this format is, however, that the only parser I know is the OpenStreetMap parser, which is written in JavaScript (in a previous life I once wrote a parser for Python, but it was far from complete (and not open-source)). When writing your own parser, you would have to make a decision on what part of the syntax to support (you could probably write a spec compliant parser in Go Templates, but you don’t really want to); and this means that you miss out on the powerful-ness of the language. Looking at the example below, you can see that the format may be hard to read and maintain by a non-expert. Considering all this, we dropped this idea.

opening_hours: >
    Fr[-1] 18:00-24:00;
    2022 Sep Fr[-1] 18-24 "@ Noc Nauka Hevelianum";
    2022 Dec Fr[-1] 18-02 "Bring 🍾";
    2023 Jan Fr[-1] off;
    2023 Jan Sa[-1] 18-24 "On Saturday for once"    
Example of how rules and exceptions look in OpenStreetMap OpeningHours

iCalendar format

A second option we looked at, was the iCalendar (RFC 5545) RRule format. A quick look at the examples on that page, also shows why this format fails the “human readability” test (which meant that we didn’t even spend time to check it against the other requirements).

Example of an iCalendar Recurring Event Rule. The format was never meant to be human-readable, and indeed, it isn’t.

Our own format

Finally we settled for our own format, and just see how far we would get with implementing this into Pure Hugo (=Go Templates).

    - start: 2022-10-01
      end: 2023-09-01
      rule: last Friday of the month
      starttime: 18:00
      endtime: 02:00
      2023-02-24: "Too cold"
      2023-07-28: vacation
      2022-12-07 18:00-19:00: extra meeting too
      2023-08-27 18:00-19:00: extra meeting
      2022-10-29 18:00-05:00: DLS change party!
      2022-10-28->2022-10-27: "moved because of planning issues"
      2022-12-30: bring 🍾
      2023-04-28->19:00-01:00: "starting a bit later"
      2023-06-30->2023-06-29 19:00-21:00: moved a day earlier
Our custom recurring event format.

The format we’ve chosen is a simple dictionary with 4 keys, all optional.

  • periodics: a list of 0 or more rules to generate events. It has 4 required keys, and one optional one:
    • start: The first date that this rule should apply (NB: this does not mean that on this date an event happens, just that the rule will only be applied to dates that are larger-or-equal to this date.
    • end: The first date that this rule is not active anymore (so the day before this date is the last possible date for this rule.
    • rule: For now two rules are supported:
      • every X days where X is a number. In this case the first event is on the start date, and then once every X days, until the end date.
      • ORDINAL WEEKDAY of the month, where ORDINAL is one of (first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last, penultimate), and WEEKDAY is the name of a day of the week in English. So for example, this would lead to last Friday of the month
      • (At the moment it’s not implemented, but it would be easy to make something like every Xth of the month, to allow events recurring on a certain date. More complex rules would probably also work)
    • starttime: Time the event starts (as 24h format)
    • endtime: Time the event ends (as 24h format). Note that if endtime < starttime, the event is expected to end the next day. Events lasting more than 24 hours are not supported for now.
    • comment: Optional field; a comment for each event of this rule.
  • cancelled: Events that are cancelled, with a comment.
  • extra events: extra (one-off) events, with start- and end-time and comment
  • changes: This field allows for 4 different formats for keys (the values are always comments):
    • YYYY-MM-DD: Allows setting a comment on an existing event
    • YYYY-MM-DD->YYYY-MM-DD: Move an event from one date to another
    • YYYY-MM-DD->HH:MM-HH-MM: move an event on a certain date to another time
    • YYYY-MM-DD->YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM-HH-MM: move an event on a certain date to another date and time

The whole structure is quite unforgiving by design (meaning that if you make a typo or another mistake it, it will throw an error, rather than silently ignore it). For instance, if you have an unknown top-level key (e.g. canceled, rather than the UK spelling cancelled), Hugo compilation will crash and allow you to fix the event. Also if you try to cancel an event on 2022-05-05, even though there is no rule that generates an event for that day, compilation will fail. All this should mean that typos in the structure should be easy to catch and fix.

Note that all crashing will happen during building of the site. The end user will only ever see the static HTML, so will never see the error.

In this system each periodic always has a start and end date. This may feel not-ideal with events that last “forever” (such as the picnic, every last Friday of the month, until (at least) the heat death of the Universe). However since we need to generate a list of all events in order to show on the event page, we need to end up with a finite list. Rather than implicitly using a 5 or 10 year limit, we allow you to set the limit. Be advised though that if you set the end to 31-12-9999, it will slow down the rending of your page; this might be fine if you have 1 or 2 event pages, maybe less so if you have 1000 pages. I would personally advise to set this date to the end of next year (e.g. in 2023, you set it to 2025-01-01). Then once a year you search through your code for 2025-01-01, and update all those that need another year.

A future version of this code might take a global “enddate” variable, and allow you to set end to something like $global.calendar_enddate, meaning you would only have to change this in one spot. For now though, you will have to do this manually.

The eventDates dictionary can be put in the front-matter of the page in question, or any other spot you like to keep it (e.g. in /data if that works in your case).

Hugo doesn’t have custom functions, so in order to isolate the code that deals with this dictionary, we have to write code in (a definitely less developer-friendly) Go Template format, and save it in a partial (in our case, it’s in /layouts/partials/GetEventsFromEventsDates.html, so this path will be used in the examples). At the bottom of this post, you will find this partial code.

NOTE: all code shown in this article works on Hugo 0.106.0; it will probably work on other versions, but this has not been tested.

A partial can only be called in a template (not from markdown); which is (in our case) also exactly where we want it. In /layouts/events/single.html we include the following line (getting the eventDates from the page’s front-matter):

{{$events := partial "getEventsFromEventDates" (dict
    "timezone" "Europe/Warsaw"
    "eventDates" .Params.eventDates) }}

This results is an $events variable with the following fields (note: boolean fields may be missing, in which case they should be assumed to be false):

  • startDateTime: Hugo Time object (containing both a date and a time)
  • endDateTime: Hugo Time object (containing both a date and a time)
  • cancelled: Events from rules that are cancelled are still included in this list, it’s up to the code rendering this whether to show these events (with a “cancelled” message) or not.
  • source: one of rule, rule+change, extra; which part of the eventDates dictionary created this event
  • dateChanged: True if the date was changed (through an entry in the changed key)
  • timeChanged: True if the time was changed (through an entry in the changed key). Note that both dateChanged and timeChanged can be true at the same time
  • comment: The comment for this event; this key may be missing if there is no comment.

At the bottom there is some example code on how to use this result, however this code is obviously easy to adjust to whatever you need.

Download events as iCalendar (.ics) format

Wouldn’t it be amazing if visitors could import the events into their own calendar? Luckily there is a format for this: iCalendar (this iCalendar standard should not be confused with the Apple Calendar app, which used to be called iCal).

Hugo already has support for iCalendar (.ics)-files, so generating them is only a couple of lines:

  • Add a file /layouts/events/single.ics (may be as simple for now as “Hello World!”; at the bottom of this post there is a real-life example, which results in an .ics file with one entry per event).
  • Add to the page’s front-matter the following code (you can also set this globally in config.toml, but I haven’t gotten that to work yet):
- html
- calendar

This should be enough to generate an index.ics file in the same directory as the index.html file for this page.

A link to this file can be made (in the single.html page) with this code:

<a href="{{(.OutputFormats.Get "Calendar").RelPermalink | absURL}}">...</a>

Clicking this link downloads the .ics file, and opens it in your calendar app (giving you the option to import all events); I tested this in Apple Calendar, but supposedly also works in Microsoft Outlook (for Google Calendar follow these instructions).

Bonus: subscribe to the iCalendar (.ics) file

Actually, when you get to this part, you get the bonus for free :). Rather that just downloading and importing the .ics file, you can also subscribe to the calendar. This means that not only you get all events in your calendar app, but any change will also sync to the app (usually the app allows you to select how often you want to sync; since a user will just download a static file at this time from your webserver, it shouldn’t be too much load, but you’re response to do the math (e.g. 10k users, downloading every 15 minutes a 1MB .ics file (which is huge, but easily creatable using rules), will be 30TB of data transfer per month).

There is actually a REFRESH-INTERVAL property in RFC 7986, which supposedly one could use to make a suggestion on how often the calendar should be re-downloaded, but this property was ignored by Apple Calendar.

In Apple Calendar (version 11.0), you can subscribe to a calendar using File -> New Calendar Subscription.... If on this point you fill in the url of the .ics file, and on the next page choose a name and a refresh interval for the calendar (I have been unable to fill these with default values from the .ics file, if you have better luck, please leave a comment!), you will see a new calendar in your side-bar, both on your mac, and (after a small wait) on your iPhone/iPad.

Unfortunately I have not been able yet to start the “Subscribe to calendar” process from the webpage. A link to the .ics file on the webpage, opens the calendar events for import in Apple Calendar. When I change the protocol for the download link to webcal:// instead of http(s)://, it opens the “Subscribe” dialog in Apple Calendar, but will then try to talk the webcal protocol to my server (which doesn’t work). If someone finds a solution for this, I would love to hear it!

Subscribing to a calendar is (afaik) also possible in Outlook and Google Calendar, as well as in most other calendar software; it should be easy enough to search for instructions for your favourite tool.

Sneak peek: list and taxonomy pages

Obviously on the list page we want a calendar overview with all events (and an .ics download file with all events). Getting all events is relatively easy:

{{ $allPages := where (where .Site.AllPages "Type" "==" $.Page.Type) "Kind" "page" }}
{{ $s := newScratch }}
{{ range $allPages }}
    {{if .Params.eventDates -}}
        {{- $events := partial "getEventsFromEventDates" (dict "timezone" "Europe/Warsaw" "eventDates" .Params.eventDates) }}
        {{ $s.Add "events" $events }}
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Obviously some more work will have to be done afterwards (like sorting, and then deciding how to show them), but that shouldn’t be too hard.

Something similar can be done for tags pages (taxonomy pages in Hugo), meaning you could generate a subscribable calendar for the tag “Workshops” or “Social Events”.

Other future developments

There are a couple of things that we still have on our wishlist:

  • Some javascript to make sure that on the event-page you will see those events you’re most interested in.
  • How to deal with multi-lingual pages – there are some event pages that exist both in UK and PL languages, and obviously you don’t want to keep the same list of eventsDates in both front-matters.
  • How to deal with updates (i.e. an event organiser may want to change an event at short notice. Right now that would involve making a pull request for the website, then finding someone to approve it, merge it, check how it looks, deploy online. It might be acceptable initially (as in: even this is better than the current situation), but down the line this will need to be automated a bit.)



Wants a dict as context, with the following keys:
- eventDates: The eventdates dict. This dict has 4 optional keys:
    - periodics: list of dicts with keys:
        - start: the start-date (YYYY-MM-DD) for the period that this periodic is active
        - end: the end-date (YYYY-MM-DD) for this period. The range is EXCLUDING this date
        - rule: The rule defining which days in this period the event is happening
            - "(1) (2) of the month" (e.g. "last Friday of the month")
                - (1) is one of "first|second|third|fourth|fifth|last|penultimate"
                - (2) is one of the names of the days of the week in English
            - "every X days" (e.g. every 14 days)
        - starttime: the time (HH:MM) at which the event starts in this period
        - endtime: the time (HH:MM) at which the event ends in this period
        - comment (optional): default comment for this event
- timezone: The timezone in which 

returns a list of dicts with keys (note that boolean keys may be missing if false):
    - startDateTime: time.Time in the given timezone
    - endDateTime: time.Time in the given timezone. Note that if endtime < starttime, the enddate is going to be startdate + 1
    - cancelled: true if cancelled
    - source: one of "rule", "rule+change", "extra"
    - dateChanged: true if rule+change and the date was changed
    - timeChanged: true if rule+change and the time was changed
    - comment: comment for this event, or missing

The result it sorted by startDateTime of the event.

Known limitations:
- If the periodics work so that there are multiple events on the same day, the latter event will overwrite the former one.


{{ define "partials/GetStartEndDateTime.html" }}
    {{ $date := .date }}{{/* Date object */}}
    {{ $start := .start }}{{/* eg "18:00" */}}
    {{ $end := .end }}{{/* eg "18:00" */}}
    {{ $starttimesplit := split $start ":" }}
    {{ $starthours := int (index $starttimesplit 0 ) }}
    {{ $startminutes := int (index $starttimesplit 1 ) }}
    {{ $startdatetime := $date.Add (time.ParseDuration (printf "%dh%dm" $starthours $startminutes)) }}
    {{ $endtimesplit := split $end ":" }}
    {{ $endhours := int (index $endtimesplit 0 ) }}
    {{ $endminutes := int (index $endtimesplit 1 ) }}
    {{ $enddatetime := $date.Add (time.ParseDuration (printf "%dh%dm" $endhours $endminutes)) }}
    {{ $enddatetime := $enddatetime.AddDate 0 0 (cond (lt $enddatetime $startdatetime) 1 0) }}
    {{ return (dict "startDateTime" $startdatetime "endDateTime" $enddatetime) }}
{{ end }}

{{ $TIMEZONE := .timezone }}
{{ $ORDINAL_LOOKUP := dict
    "first" 1
    "second" 2
    "third" 3
    "fourth" 4
    "fifth" 5
    "last" -1
    "penultimate" -2}}
    "Sunday" 0
    "Monday" 1
    "Tuesday" 2
    "Wednesday" 3
    "Thursday" 4
    "Friday" 5
    "Saturday" 6
{{ $DAYS_IN_WEEK := 7 }}
    "periodics" false
    "cancelled" false
    "extra" false
    "changes" false
    "start" true
    "end" true
    "rule" true
    "starttime" true
    "endtime" true
    "comment" false

{{/* extra keys check */}}
{{ range $key, $value := .eventDates }}
    {{if not (isset $ALLOWED_TOPLEVEL_KEYS $key)}}
        {{ errorf "Key \"%s\" not allowed in eventDates" $key }}
{{ end }}

{{ $s := newScratch }}

{{ range .eventDates.periodics }}
    {{ range $key, $value := . }}
        {{if not (isset $ALLOWED_PERIODIC_KEYS $key)}}
            {{ errorf "Key \"%s\" not allowed in periodics" $key }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ $periodic := . }}
    {{ $start := time .start $TIMEZONE }}
    {{ $end := time .end $TIMEZONE }}
    {{ $seconds := (sub $end.Unix $start.Unix) }}
    {{/* Add 2 hours to compensate for DLS, then divide by seconds per day */}}
    {{ $nrdays := (div (add $seconds 7200) (mul 3600 24)) }}
    {{ $comment := .comment }}
    {{ if (findRE `^(first|second|third|fourth|fifth|last|penultimate) (Sunday|Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday) of the month$` .rule) }}
        {{ $ruleparts := split .rule " " }}
        {{ $times := index $ruleparts 5 }}
        {{ $ordinal := index $ORDINAL_LOOKUP (index $ruleparts 0) }}
        {{ $weekday := index $WEEKDAYS_LOOKUP (index $ruleparts 1) }}
        {{ $diffdays_other_month := int (mul -7 $ordinal) }}
        {{ $diffdays_same_month := int (add $diffdays_other_month (cond (lt $diffdays_other_month 0) 7 -7)) }}
        {{ $startday_offset := mod (add (sub $weekday $start.Weekday) $DAYS_IN_WEEK) $DAYS_IN_WEEK }}
        {{ range $i := (seq $startday_offset $DAYS_IN_WEEK (sub $nrdays 1)) }}
            {{ $date := $start.AddDate 0 0 $i }}
            {{ if (and
                ( ne $date.Month ($date.AddDate 0 0 $diffdays_other_month).Month)
                ( eq $date.Month ($date.AddDate 0 0 $diffdays_same_month).Month)
                ) }}
                {{/* todo what if already exists? For now we don't care */}}
                {{ $startEndDT := partial "GetStartEndDateTime" (dict "date" $date "start" $periodic.starttime "end" $periodic.endtime) }}
                {{ $s.SetInMap "events" ($date.Format "2006-01-02") (merge $startEndDT (dict "source" "rule" "comment" $comment )) }}
            {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
    {{ else if (findRE `^every \d+ days$` .rule) }}
        {{ $ruleparts := split .rule " " }}
        {{ $interval := int (index $ruleparts 1) }}
        {{ range (seq 0 $interval (sub $nrdays 1)) }}
            {{ $date := $start.AddDate 0 0 . }}
            {{ $startEndDT := partial "GetStartEndDateTime" (dict "date" $date "start" $periodic.starttime "end" $periodic.endtime) }}
            {{ $s.SetInMap "events" ($date.Format "2006-01-02") (merge $startEndDT (dict "source" "rule" "comment" $comment)) }}
        {{ end }}
    {{ else }}
        {{ errorf "Don't understand rule \"%s\""  .rule }}
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ range $key, $value := .eventDates.cancelled }}
    {{ if not (isset ($s.Get "events") $key) }}
        {{ errorf "Trying to cancel event on %s but no such event" $key }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ $s.SetInMap "events" $key (merge (index ($s.Get "events") $key) (dict "cancelled" true)) }}
{{ end }}

{{ range $key, $value := .eventDates.extra }}
    {{ $splitkey := split $key " " }}
    {{ $date := time (index $splitkey 0) $TIMEZONE}}
    {{ $splittime := split (index $splitkey 1) "-" }}
    {{ $starttime := index $splittime 0 }}
    {{ $endtime := index $splittime 1 }}
    {{ $datestring := $date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
    {{ if isset ($s.Get "events") $datestring }}
        {{ errorf "Trying to plan extra event on %s but already an event" $key }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ $startEndDT := partial "GetStartEndDateTime" (dict "date" $date "start" $starttime "end" $endtime) }}
    {{ $s.SetInMap "events" $datestring (merge $startEndDT (dict "comment" $value "source" "extra")) }}
{{ end }}

{{ range $key, $value := .eventDates.changes }}
    {{/* TODO some regex to check it has the right format */}}
    {{ $splitkey := split $key "->" }}
    {{ $from := index $splitkey 0 }}
    {{ $changes := newScratch }}
    {{ $changes.Set "c" dict }}
    {{ $changes.Set "t" dict }}
    {{ $changes.SetInMap "c" "comment" $value }}
    {{ if eq (len $splitkey) 1 }}
        {{/* do nothing, since the comment is already set */}}
    {{ else }}
        {{ $to := index $splitkey 1 }}
        {{ $splitto := split $to " " }}

        {{ if eq (len $splitto) 2 }}
            {{ $changes.SetInMap "t" "date" (time (index $splitto 0)) }}
            {{ $changes.SetInMap "c" "dateChanged" true }}
            {{ $splittime := split (index $splitto 1) "-" }}
            {{ $starttime := index $splittime 0 }}
            {{ $endtime := index $splittime 1 }}
            {{ $changes.SetInMap "t" "start" $starttime }}
            {{ $changes.SetInMap "t" "end" $endtime }}
            {{ $changes.SetInMap "c" "timeChanged" true }}
        {{ else }}
            {{ if eq (len (split $to "-")) 2 }}
                {{ $splittime := split $to "-" }}
                {{ $starttime := index $splittime 0 }}
                {{ $endtime := index $splittime 1 }}
                {{ $changes.SetInMap "t" "start" $starttime }}
                {{ $changes.SetInMap "t" "end" $endtime }}
                {{ $changes.SetInMap "c" "timeChanged" true }}
            {{ else }}
                {{ $changes.SetInMap "t" "date" (time (index $splitto 0) $TIMEZONE) }}
                {{ $changes.SetInMap "c" "dateChanged" true }}
            {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ if not (isset ($s.Get "events") $from) }}
        {{ errorf "Trying to change event on %s but no such event" $key }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ $map := index ($s.Get "events") $from }}
    {{ $s.DeleteInMap "events" $from }}
    {{ $changes.SetInMap "c" "source" "rule+change" }}
    {{ $newDateAndTimes := (merge (dict "date" (time $from $TIMEZONE) "start" ($map.startDateTime.Format "15:04") "end" ($map.endDateTime.Format "15:04")) ($changes.Get "t")) }}
    {{ $startEndDT := partial "GetStartEndDateTime" $newDateAndTimes }}
    {{ $map := merge $map ($changes.Get "c") $startEndDT }}
    {{ $s.SetInMap "events" ($map.startDateTime.Format "2006-01-02") $map }}
{{ end }}

{{range $s.GetSortedMapValues "events"}}
    {{ $s.SetInMap "return" (.startDateTime.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05") . }}

{{ return ($s.GetSortedMapValues "return") }}
The partial (/layouts/partials/GetEventsFromEventsDates.html) necessary to convert the eventDates dictionary into a list of event dates, ready for rendering. For License, see below.

HTML template

{{if .Params.eventDates }}
{{$events := partial "GetEventsFromEventDates" (dict "timezone" "Europe/Warsaw" "eventDates" .Params.eventDates) }}
<div id="eventDates">
{{ $s := newScratch }}
{{ $s.Set "year" "" }}
{{ range $key, $value := $events }}
    {{ if ne ($s.Get "year") $value.startDateTime.Year }}
    {{ if ne ($s.Get "year") "" }}</ol></li>{{end}}
        {{ $s.Set "year" $value.startDateTime.Year }}
        <li>{{ $s.Get "year" }}<ol>
    {{ end }}
    <li class="{{if $value.cancelled}}cancelled{{end}}">
        <span class="date{{if $value.dateChanged}} changed{{end}}">
            {{ time.Format "Monday, 2 January 2006" $value.startDateTime}}
        <span class="time{{if $value.timeChanged}} changed{{end}}">
            {{ $value.startDateTime.Format "15:04" }}-{{ $value.endDateTime.Format "15:04" }}
        {{if or $value.comment $value.cancelled}}: {{end}}
        {{if $value.cancelled}}<span class="cancelled">CANCELLED</span>{{end}}
        {{if $value.comment}}<span class="comment">{{ $value.comment }}</span>{{end}}
{{ if ne ($s.Get "year") "" }}</ol></li>{{end}}
<a href="{{(.OutputFormats.Get "Calendar").RelPermalink | absURL}}">Download this calendar</a>
{{ end }}
The code in layouts/events/single.html, showing the events as seen in the example. Obviously this can be customized onto how you want it. For License, see below.

iCalendar template

{{if .Params.eventDates -}}
{{- $events := partial "getEventsFromEventDates" (dict "timezone" "Europe/Warsaw" "eventDates" .Params.eventDates) }}
{{range $events}}
{{ with $.Params.organiser}}ORGANIZER;CN="{{ .name }}":mailto:{{ .email }}{{ end }}
SUMMARY:{{if .cancelled}}CANCELLED: {{end}}{{$.Title}}{{with .comment}} -- {{.}}{{end}}
UID:{{dateFormat "20060102T150405" .startDateTime}}@hs3.pl
STATUS:{{if .cancelled}}CANCELLED{{else}}CONFIRMED{{end}}
DTSTAMP:{{dateFormat "20060102T150405" .startDateTime}}
DTSTART:{{dateFormat "20060102T150405" .startDateTime}}
DTEND:{{dateFormat "20060102T150405" .endDateTime}}
The /layouts/events/single.ics file. There is a whole bunch of information about timezones which should probably be different if you’re not in Central European Time. Also it assumes that an organiser with a name and email object in the page’s front-matter. For License, see below.


All code on this page falls under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licensed. If you find this code useful however, it would be much appreciated if you left a comment, or get in touch in some other way mentioned on the homepage.