Amazon Web Services; mostly CloudFormation and Security

Create a static HTTPS site on your custom domain using Cloud Formation

Every now and then I find myself with the need to quickly create a small website, for instance as a static backend or a help page to one of my apps. I have a couple of requirements for this:

I want a custom (sub)domain. For now I host everything on, but this could change. I want to serve my website on HTTPS (obviously). I want the website to be securely setup, in a minimal number of clicks. I want to be able to access the log files. I don’t want anything I didn’t ask for (in the form of trackers, or advertisements, or pay walls, etc).

Better Lambdas with pip packages in CloudFormation

After writing about how to create AWS Lambda Layers based on pip packages, I set out to make writing lambda functions in CloudFormation a bit easier. In the official CloudFormation AWS::Lambda::Function you either must upload your functions as zipfile to S3 and reference them from there, or, if you want them inline, you run into 3 large issues You’re limited to 4096 bytes of code (meaning in my experience that as the code gets more complex, you start saving on comments, function names, error checking, etc, making the whole thing even harder to read and maintain).

AWS Custom Resources security "trap" — or why it’s bad to give lambda execute rights to non-admin

AWS CloudFormation allows the use of Custom Resources. These are great if one has to do some things outside AWS (say you create a stack and you want as part of the stack also create a github repository with a bunch of access rights). In practice however I have mostly used them to do things inside AWS that either do not have a CloudFormation interface (yet), or where the CloudFormation interface does not do what I need (for example, build a lambda layer based on pip packages).

AWS Lambda (python) with packages through pip (in CloudFormation)

I absolutely love CloudFormation as a tool for creating small and large items on AWS. Having code-based infrastructure, of easily maintaining your system in git, seeing differences, etc is pure joy. There are however (many) times when CloudFormation (or AWS in general) seems to miss some things. In such cases, blogs like this one should help you :). This document is here mostly for historical reference. There is a new and better method, that doesn’t have some of the security implications present in this post.